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Management Consulting

Our management team provides expertise in preparing business plans, financial services, process reviews, as well as web services, product pricing and marketing. We help you address your business requirements by taking a strong analytical approach to your specific business needs. From concept through implementation, we work with your team to help you leverage your people, your processes and the increasing power of technology. Our consultants have the knowledge and experience to address all of your strategic business challenges.

We begin each engagement with a deep discussion of the issues facing the organization and how its leadership hopes to improve its capability to deliver on mission. With the organization's needs understood, we conduct an assessment of how the organization works, its role in the community, and of its ability to achieve its organizational vision. Typically, an assessment reviews these areas: Finance, Governance, Operations, Evaluation, Strategy, and Technology. The organizational assessment yields a roadmap, a plan for addressing various challenges identified, to guide the organization.


Recent client engagements have focused on: Strategic Planning and Positioning, Strategic Use of Technology, Governance and Leadership, Evaluation and Outcome, Systems Operations Improvement, Cash Management and Financial Training, Mergers and/or Acquisition Plans, Technology Plans and Implementation. Additional services have included: Market Research, Fundraising, and Board Facilitation.