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Product Management

Our Product Management consultants can help your company bring world-class, customer-focused products to market faster. Our Product Management consultants can do short or long-term projects such as customer and market research, product strategy, competitive analysis, market analysis, and writing MRDs (Market Requirements Documents). We can come in and act as an interim employee, taking the place of staff that are on vacation, sabbaticals or maternity leave, or filling in if you don't have full-time headcount to hire a permanent employee.

Some of the tasks that a Product Management Consultant or Product Management Contractors can perform for your company include:

Market Analysis - Identifying and sizing target markets and determining markets that are appropriate for your company's unique talents.

Customer & Market Research - Customer research to determine critical features required for your products, "Quick and Dirty" surveys and customer interviews to rapidly and inexpensively validate ideas, and market research through secondary research sources such as analyst firms and industry experts.

Defining products based on customer needs - Writing MRDs (market requirements documents), PRDs (Product Requirements Documents) & defining products, giving engineering teams clear and concise information about customer needs, prioritizing feature sets into must have, nice to have, and next release, and developing short and long-term product road maps.

Working with engineering teams - Determining feature versus schedule tradeoffs, making difficult feature decisions, and deciding whether products are ready for first customer ship.

Managing beta customer sites - Writing early customer success stories, gathering initial product feedback, and securing early customer wins to validate additional financing.

Competitive analysis - Ensuring you have an accurate and non-biased picture of your competition, and helping you determine whether to enter a market based on the current competitive environment.

Shipping products - Defining and managing all in-box components, Creating product packaging, Working with operations to create BOM and manufacturing plans.

Our Product Management services include assisting clients with developing and executing marketing plans, commercialization, marketing research, advertising, web services, and product pricing. Our focus recently has been Bio Energy, where we have used our expertise to secure government grants, apply and successfully patent new technologies, all while implementing a well thought out and effective scalable prototype.